CLS insurance changes : COMING 15th October

Just to make you aware, CLS insurance are making a number of changes to their policies on 15th October.

Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with these changes, particularly if you currently have any CLS insurance documents saved in draft on tmconvey – as on 15th October, new policies will be available, and your drafts will be removed and will need to be reordered.

“Insurance Product Information Document” to replace “Policy Summary”

In preparation for the Insurance Distribution Directive taking effect in October, CLS insurance have incorporated an “Insurance Product Information Document” within their insurance policies.

Following the consultation on the sale of insurance in the EU, this will replace the policy summary – and clearly displays, in a universal format, important information such as what the policy covers, and what is and isn’t insured.

Legal Indemnity policies will be issued under CLS Property Insight Limited

Legal Indemnity policies will be issued under CLS Property Insight Limited, who will continue to review, accept and offer suitable coverage at the most competitive terms.

More products will also be available on their online system 

CLS will also be offering more policies via their online system – which were previously available only on a bespoke basis.

You can see the full list of new additions below:

• Forfeiture of Lease (Breach of Covenant) (Purchaser)

• Forfeiture of Lease (Housing Act Repossession) (Lender)

• Lack of Party Wall Agreement

• Lack of Permission to Construct a Vehicle Crossing or Dropped Kerb

• Lack of Listed Building Consent

• Lack of Conservation Area Consent

• Limited Title Guarantee

• Manorial Rights

• Right to Park (Leasehold) (Lender)

CLS will also be removing their ConveySure® brand.

Draft policies will be removed on 15th October and will need to be reordered

Please note, in reflection of the above changes, on 15th October 2018 any draft policies ordered prior to this date will be removed from the online platform and will need to be reordered.

If you do have any drafts currently saved on tmconvey, please either submit them before midnight on Friday 12th October, or make a note of the details so you can easily reorder the policies on or after 15th October.

If you have any questions, please contact your Account Manager, or get in touch with Helpdesk on 0800 840 5571 or email

CLS Insurance Policy Updates

Terrafirma price changes : COMING 1st September