CLS Insurance Policy Updates

Upcoming enhancements to CLS Search Insurance (Auction) policy which will come into effect on 29th June 2020.

Enhancement to Search Insurance (Auction) Policy

Upcoming enhancements to CLS Search Insurance (Auction) policy which will come into effect on 29th June 2020. Please see changes outlined below and what it means for you.

There will be the following changes:

•The product name will change from Search Insurance (Auction) to Search Auction (Validation/Delay).

•It will now allow the Insured to add the policy within the auction pack.

•Any draft policies prior to Sunday 28th June 2020 created but not converted into full policies will be removed from the platform.  New draft policies will have to be created from 29th June.

Enhancements to Chancel Insurance Policies 

We would like to make you aware of an upcoming insurer change for CLS Chancel Insurance policies which will come into effect on 1st July 2020.

Please see details below with what it means for you.

•CLS PI are now able to offer 25, 35 and a perpetuity period of insurance for Chancel Insurance policies with Aviva Insurance Limited.

•Any draft policies prior to Monday 29th June 2020 created but not converted into full policies will be removed from the platform.  New draft policies will have to be created from 1 July.

CLS insurance changes : COMING 15th October

CLS announce policy improvements