GDPR is here… Could a training app help your team prepare?

tmgroup has teamed up with E3 Compliance Training to help make GDPR compliance training more engaging and effective.

GDPR coming into effect on 25th May 2018 forced businesses across the country to rethink their data handling processes – from Marketing and Customer Service, to Human Resources.

Yet, with fines of up to €20 million at stake for firms failing to comply, it is equally important that all members of staff understand what GDPR is and the changes they may need to apply to their day-to-day work.

From 25th May onwards, achieving consistent compliance training across the business is probably one of the biggest challenges firms face – and this is where E3 Compliance Training’s app has the potential to make a real difference.

Taking an innovative approach to compliance training, with methods more commonly found in mobile games, E3 Compliance Training’s techniques include:

• Use of game mechanics to engage players.

• Automated nudges to encourage course completion.

• Advanced analytics to support a firm’s compliance regime.

• The ability to play the courses anywhere, on multiple devices.

Clare Yates, Senior Business Development Manager at tmgroup comments:

“Compliance training is not something people love to do, and can quickly become a tick box exercise – instead of a thorough educational activity. With something as critical as GDPR, there really is no margin for error.

With GDPR now in effect, many firms are beginning to feel the pressure when it comes to getting their teams ‘up to speed’. This is where a training app can make all the difference, helping to engage and thoroughly train your team before the deadline hits.” 

Want to find out how your compliance training could be more fun and effective? Please get in touch.

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