Groundsure Combined Con29M

From Monday 16th March 2020 Groundsure will be including the data from the Mining Interpretive follow-on report into the CON29M original order if these risks are identified, giving you everything you need from the start and mitigating the need to order a separate, second report.

From Monday 16th March 2020 Groundsure will be including the data from the Mining Interpretive follow-on report into the CON29M original order if these risks are identified, giving you everything you need from the start and mitigating the need to order a separate, second report.

Summary of what this means:

•As of the 16th March the Mine Entry Report will no longer be available as a separate report

•Simplified ordering for both the CON29M and MER report – now combined in to one comprehensive product

• The additional data, interpretation and assessment found in the standalone Mine Entry Report will now be included as standard in the Groundsure  CON29Ms – where required

Will I need to do anything?

All you need to do is order the Groundsure CON29M report as usual and where applicable the mine entry interpretive content will be included seamlessly as part of the CON29M report – for no extra charge.

Further benefits of this integration:

What additional information may now be included in the Groundsure CON29M report as a result:

• The calculated zone of influence (ZOI) around mine entries – the physical extent to which they could pose a risk – is now included as standard

• The Groundsure CON29M will go beyond official Law Society CON29M guidance and flag a risk whenever a mine entry ZOI encroaches on a property even when there is no mine entry within 20m

• Standard practice has previously defined mine entry risk to only 20m – which has historically meant that some risk was going unreported (where a ZOI is greater than 20m in radius)

• Groundsure have calculated this to be a scenario that is true for c.10k properties nationwide

The design and format of the report will remain largely unchanged, but the additional data will be implemented into the intelligence behind the risk calculation and recommendations.

Groundsure updates - COMING 11th February

NEW Ground Report and Con29M from Terrafirma : Available now on tmconvey