Groundsure webinars - Transportation, HS2 and more

Find below the latest Groundsure webinars, including recording links, so you can watch at your convenience.

Find below the latest Groundsure webinars, including recording links, so you can watch at your convenience.

1. Groundsure Transportation



Many environmental risks can affect your property which should be investigated fully ahead of exchange of contracts.

To provide detailed due diligence and  protect the interests of both you and the lender on your proposed property purchase you should get an environmental search.

Standard searches will not report on issues arising from transportation activities. As part of the range of searches Groundsure Transportation report will identify whether there are any specific risks relating to existing and proposed transport infrastructure. An Energy and Transportation report will highlight if the property is within the vicinity of HS2, Crossrail 1 and 2,  underground railways, active and historical railways. If a residential Avista environmental report is purchased transportation will be included as standard.


High Speed Two (HS2) is the UK’s new high speed rail network linking London, Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester. The route is split into two phases, Phase 1 (London to Birmingham) has been given the go ahead. The preferred route for Phase 2a (Birmingham to Crewe) and Phase 2b Birmingham to Leeds and Manchester) was announced in summer 2017, with the HS2 Phase 2A Bill receiving Royal Assent in February 2021. Phase 2b of the project is still under consultation.

The property may be in an area that is later subject to compulsory purchase to allow the railway to be built. Alternatively, it may be impacted by noise and vibration or visual intrusion from construction and operation – an indication of which is included within the report.

Crossrail 1

Crossrail 1, which will be known as the Elizabeth Line once services begin in 2018, is a new railway linking Reading and Heathrow in the west through 42km of tunnels under London to Shenfield and Abbey Wood in the east. The majority of construction is now complete but properties above or in proximity may experience issues arising from operational noise and vibration.

Crossrail 2

Crossrail 2 is a new proposed railway linking Surrey and Hertfordshire via an underground tunnel through London. Crossrail 2 marks the next step in the ambitions to improve rail infrastructure and join major counties to the capital. The Crossrail 2 route, safeguarding areas, worksites and headhouses are all included. This project is currently suspended.

Railways and subways

Active, historic and abandoned railways and tunnels, the London Underground and other subway systems have the potential to cause noise and vibration to properties in close proximity as well as providing essential transport links.

2. Groundsure Energy



Many environmental risks can affect your property which should be investigated fully ahead of exchange of contracts.

To provide detailed due diligence and  protect the interests of both you and the lender on your proposed property purchase you should get an environmental search.

Standard searches will not report on issues arising from energy activities. A Groundsure search will provide insight on the proximity of all existing and proposed major energy infrastructure up to 10km from the property that may have an impact on value or your enjoyment of the property. These include major projects such as hydraulic fracturing (‘fracking’) sites, large scale wind farms and power stations as well as smaller scale infrastructure. In addition, to oil and gas sites, large scale transmission networks, power stations including nuclear and wind and solar farms. If a residential Avista environmental report is purchased energy will be included as standard.

Due to changes in Trespass Law as part of the Infrastructure Act 2015, oil and gas companies will be given automatic access for gas and oil development below 300m without having to seek land and home owner’s permission and leaving them without legal recourse.

3. Groundsure Radon



Many environmental risks can affect your property which should be investigated fully ahead of exchange of contracts.

To provide detailed due diligence and  protect the interests of both you and the lender on your proposed property purchase you should get an environmental search.

Standard Con29 Local Authority Searches will cover the risk of radon gas, however due to the resolution of the data used it cannot be fully relied upon to assess the risk at a property-specific level. The data used by Groundsure is far more detailed radon information than the information used in the Local Authority search which highlights the radon potential at the specific property and if any protection measures are required.

Radon is a colourless, odourless gas which has the potential to cause adverse health issues to those occupying the property.  It is the second biggest cause of lung cancer in the UK after smoking.

As part of the Groundsure range of searches, you either can include a standalone Groundsure Radon Check. If a residential or commercial Groundsure environmental report is purchased radon will be included as standard.

4. Groundsure Flood



Many environmental risks can affect your property which should be investigated fully ahead of exchange of contracts.

To provide detailed due diligence and  protect the interests of both you and the lender on your proposed property purchase you should get an environmental search.  The Law Society Practice Notes state that in every transaction the issue of flood risk should be considered and further investigations undertaken if appropriate.

As part of the Groundsure range of searches you can order a Groundsure Flood to identify whether there are any specific risks relating to the issues of contaminated land, flooding, ground stability and radon. Groundsure Flood will also include a screening on energy, transportation and planning. If a residential Homebuyers or Avista environmental report is purchased transportation will be included as standard.

Flooding can occur from a variety of sources including surface water, and you don’t have to live near a watercourse to be affected. In England and Wales 5.9 million properties are at risk of flooding, with the average cost of flood damage being £28,000.  Home insurance in flood prone areas may be more difficult to obtain, however the introduction of Flood Re means affordable insurance should be obtainable through a registered insurer.  A Flood report will highlight the risks from river, coastal, surface water and groundwater flooding as well as any flood defences and historic flood events.

5. Contaminated Land



Many environmental risks can affect your property which should be investigated fully ahead of exchange of contracts.

To provide detailed due diligence and  protect the interests of both you and the lender on your proposed property purchase you should get an environmental search.

Our industrial heritage and the drive to build on brownfield (previously used) land has meant that increasing numbers of properties have been built on land that could be contaminated. This could affect the value of the property, could lead to adverse health issues and under current legislation you could be responsible for paying for the clean-up of that land.

If the contaminated land results as Action Required, this does not indicate the purchase should not proceed. Further enquiries can be undertaken of the sellers and other parties to either amend the result, provide further information to make an informed decision or, if appropriate, consider obtaining environmental insurance. If a residential or commercial Groundsure environmental report is purchased contaminated land will be included as standard.  Specific recommendations can be found within the Groundsure report.

6. Groundsure GeoRisk/ GeoRisk +



Many geo-environmental risks can affect your property which should be investigated fully ahead of exchange of contracts.

To provide detailed due diligence and protect the interests of both you and the lender on your proposed property purchase you should get a relevant search. Law Society guidance also states that a property should be searched to identify whether further investigation of site-specific ground instability risks is required. If risks are likely to occur, obtain a site specific report from a commercial search company.

As part of the Groundsure range of searches you can order Groundsure GeoRisk/ GeoRisk + report to identify historic non-coal mining, ground stability issues, coal mining and the risk from former brine extraction in Cheshire. A GeoRisk report will highlight any natural and man-made subsidence risks to property. It will identify whether there are any specific risks relating to historical and other geological features.  In addition, it will identify any oil and gas extraction, natural instability, infilled land, and sinkholes in close proximity to the property. The report also utilises satellite monitoring to identify ‘real-world’ ground movement accurate to the millimetre. A GeoRisk + report will include everything that standard GeoRisk report has plus an integrated CON29M Official Coal Search and a Cheshire Salt Search where necessary.

TM GROUP | 30 MARCH 2021

TM GROUP | 29 MARCH 2021

Is your client planning to buy one? Do you know what the implications are for insurability or what really happens if their cliff-top garden collapses onto the promenade below?