High time to drive real collaboration across the property transaction

Last but by no means least, the Spring series finale of tm:tv will take place at 12 noon on Tuesday 24th May with ‘Top 5: Initiatives to boost collaboration across the property transaction’.

“Since being established in the midst of lockdown 2020, tm:tv has gone from strength to strength as an online debate series covering key topics impacting the property market. ”

Joe Pepper, CEO of tmgroup

High time to drive real collaboration across the property transaction

Last but by no means least, the Spring series finale of tm:tv will take place at 12 noon on Tuesday 24th May with ‘Top 5: Initiatives to boost collaboration across the property transaction’.

Register today to find out what our experienced panel of guest speakers have to say about how people, processes and technology all have a part to play in enabling better collaboration across the property transaction – for the benefit of all.

Host, Joe Pepper, CEO of tmgroup, will be joined by:

  • Rob Hailstone, Founder of the Bold Legal Group
  • Nicola Gooch, Partner – Planning at Irwin Mitchell
  • Angelo Piccirillo, CEO of AVRillo Conveyancing
  • Beth Rudolf, Home Buying and Selling Group (HBSG)
  • Tom Gilbert, Head of EA Services at Sort Move


All part of a 6-part series called Achieving Change: Think tomorrow, act today!

Brought to the market by tmgroup, Conveyancing Data Services (CDS) and mio in a refreshing Top 5 format; inviting property industry experts to share their wish lists for driving positive change.

Joe Pepper, CEO of tmgroup comments:
“Since being established in the midst of lockdown 2020, tm:tv has gone from strength to strength as an online debate series covering key topics impacting the property market – everything from market trends to the future hazards of climate change. It’s fantastic to see tm:tv continuing to bring so many property professionals together from across the industry to help drive positive change.”

The series will continue this Autumn with the following topics:

  • Top 5: Positive property industry disrupters (people, processes, and platforms): 12 noon on Tuesday 20th September 2022
  • Top 5: Things we can learn from overseas property processes: 12 noon on Tuesday 4th October 2022
  • Top 5: Keys to unlocking the property transaction: 12 noon on Thursday 20th October 2022

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Megan Jones, Senior Marketing Executive at tmgroup on megan.jones@tmgroup.co.uk.