New Feature Q&A: What is Automatic Boundary Outlining?

With Russel Tinnion, Spatial Team Lead

As part of the regular improvements to our search order platform, we are delighted to announce that we have added a free automatic boundary outlining feature to our mapping.

What does that mean for me?
When you locate a property as part of your case creation, either by entering an address or by positioning a red dot on the map, we’ll then present a boundary outline for you automatically, sourced from the Land Registry.

So it’s a good thing?
Absolutely, it will now be much easier & quicker for you to mark-up case plan maps.

What if the boundary outline is wrong or needs editing?
Generally the boundary outline should be a faithful representation of the property extent but, if you would like to make any amends, you can edit the boundary outline in the usual way before proceeding.

Are there any instances in which I won’t be presented with an outline automatically?
Currently we can only access data for freehold properties and therefore a boundary outline will not be presented to you automatically for: leasehold properties; manually-entered addresses; unregistered property; or properties made up of multiple separate boundaries. On these occasions, you are free to draw or upload your plan as you have done in the past.

Where are you getting the data from?
We’re working with the INSPIRE Index Polygons dataset which is an open source dataset from the Land Registry, developed to comply with the European Union INSPIRE Directive. Read more about INSPIRE

Does this INSPIRE Index polygon represent the Registered Title extent?
No, the extent of the land contained in any registered title cannot be established from the INSPIRE Index Polygons. This can only be identified from the individual title plan.

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