As you may already be aware, HM Land Registry launched their new digital Local Land Charges Register today – 11th July 2018 – and the first local authority’s local land charges (LLC) data to be available is Warwick District Council’s.
This is an exciting step forward for the property industry, and we’re pleased to be supporting this new service on tmconvey.
What happens next?
Warwick District Council is one of around 350 Local Authorities who will have their Local Land Charges (LLC) data digitised across 2018 and beyond. While you’ll notice a few differences if you are ordering your LLC1 through Warwick District Council (more details below), it will be business as usual for other Local Authorities.
We are working closely with Land Registry throughout the rollout of their new digital Local Land Charges Register – and will receive a minimum of 30 days’ notice from HM Land Registry about any Local Authorities being added to the digital Register.
We’ll also be supporting you with regular emails and updates as the rollout progresses, and making sure you have any information you need in good time.
What is happening with Warwick District Council?
For tmconvey customers, the process for ordering an LLC1 through tmconvey will remain exactly the same.
You’ll notice some slight differences in the way your results are returned, but we’ll continue to work with you as these changes happen and seek to apply your feedback to further improve this service over the coming months.
> Your LLC1 result will be returned faster than normal (typically within 24 hours), as the report will be processed via the new LR digital Register.
> The CON29 will continue to be returned as it always has been in accordance with the Local Authority turnaround time, as specified at the point of order.
> There will be some changes to the LLC1 report format, as the data will be returned from Land Registry – instead of your Local Authority.
> The LLC1 and CON29 will be billed separately and appear on separate lines of any invoices you receive.
As the LR migrates over other Local Authorities, we will immediately support them through the tmconvey platform, providing our customers with the latest offerings in the provision of digital property related data.
How do I share my feedback about this new service?
We’ll be inviting customer feedback as we continue to provide this new service from Land Registry. If you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts, please email your Account Manager, or Helpdesk on