On the horizon

We’ll start with something that is not so much on the horizon, more in our near field view but it’s such a useful development that it’s worth highlighting here. 

The ability to integrate tmconvey with the mainstream case management systems (CMS) has existed for some time – it’s highly desirable as everything can happen directly within the CMS e.g. searches ordered, results received back, all logged in the respective case plan, with no need to rekey. It saves time, improves accuracy, builds an audit trail and is generally more convenient and efficient all around. 

However, firms’ attempts to complete the required integration project often stumble because of a lack of support or time, or even basic IT resource. So tmconvey is now in a position to help drive those projects through, with dedicated resource and assistance available, either helping in-house IT teams or providing an end-to-end solution for firms who don’t have in-house IT to call on. Integration has huge benefit and we want our customers to be in a position to take advantage of it – if that means giving you a hand to get you there, we’d be happy to oblige.

We’ve always got new features up our sleeve and this month we’ve got something for all those users tired of doing screengrabs of search alerts! We’re adding a button that will allow you to simply download a PDF of all the screen contents – the property details and the risks associated with it – which can then be shared via email to relevant parties.

Sometimes, our good works are not always obvious. In the background, there is always an on-going effort to enhance the user journey and experience in small, incremental ways – little changes that add up to big positives. That’s why we’re currently experimenting with button positions and navigation, things that you may or may not pick up on – but are definitely being done for the right reasons.

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