tmgroup announces functionality enhancements to its tmconvey platform

Post-completion is now even easier on tmgroup’s tmconvey platform with the launch of a host of new user-friendly features to further enhance a seamless process for law firms.

Post-completion is now even easier on tmgroup’s tmconvey platform with the launch of a host of new user-friendly features to further enhance a seamless process for law firms.

Let’s take a look at the new improved functionalities that will help you streamline your submissions to HMRC and HM Land Registry, saving you even more time and further reduce HMLR requisitions:

SDLT Submission enhancements

You can now easily locate and identify the appropriate title number(s) using a postal address search with our enhanced Select Title feature. This reduces manual typographical errors, and overcomes obstacles created where there are multiple title numbers associated with the subject land.

Of course, our tools give you full flexibility so you can still manually enter in the requisite title number instead, if preferred.

New Application and Supporting Document types

Customers using the tmconvey platform for digital AP1 submissions to HM Land Registry can now select Alteration of Register in the Application Type dropdown menu, which denotes a request for a change of information on the Title Register. This application type allows the registrar to correct mistakes, update the register, remove an unnecessary entry or note any right or interest; as governed by the Land Registration Act 2002, Schedule 4.

You can also use the Alteration of Register option with more complex registration requirements, in cases where the legal instrument being lodged does not directly correspond with other application types currently available under the Land Registry’s integration. If you wish, you can also provide additional information to clarify the legal effect you are registering by adding a supplementary note within your AP1 submission .

Our Supporting Documents list has also been enhanced with the addition of two new document types for AMS1 Application Management Service and PSS1 Pre-submission Enquiry Service. This addition will greatly support customers who lodge complex commercial or infrastructure development applications for registration through the tm platform.

Drag and Drop feature for adding documents

Attaching a new Application or Supporting Document file to the Upload section is now even more user-friendly with our quick and easy ‘drag and drop’ functionality – or just click ‘Browse’ to do a file look-up, whichever you prefer.

Other functionality enhancements to the digital AP1

In response to user feedback, the tmconvey’s Multipage CS Continuation Sheet has also been updated to enhance the display of the information being included in a digital AP1 submission. This enhancement will be particularly helpful when the AP1 in a PDF form needs to be shared for a pre-submission approval by a supervising colleague or by a third-party organisation. We have also added extra features and user prompts that will help our customers avoid requisitions. These include additional mandatory validations, for example when registering an Entry of a Restrictive Covenant or when registering a legal Charge.

tmconvey provides a fully automated audit trail for law firms’ digital SDLT and AP1 forms, along with handy built-in action reminders, so you don’t risk your SDLT or AP1 submissions being rejected. All SDLT and AP1 forms drafted via tmconvey are sent securely to HMRC and HM Land Registry and can easily be managed from our dedicated Post-Completion Management Dashboards.