Top 3 tips: How to drive material change

Hear our panel of experts’ views on how we can best educate consumers, our peers and the Government in order to drive trust, understanding, confidence, and investment in the property industry for the benefit of all.

Hear our panel of experts’ views on how we can best educate consumers, our peers and the Government in order to drive trust, understanding, confidence, and investment in the property industry for the benefit of all. Everything from training, CPD and consumer campaigns to speaking with one voice and which legislative reform should be prioritised to help shift the needle towards a ‘new world’ of transacting on properties .

Brought to the market by tmgroup, Conveyancing Data Services (CDS) and mio, host Matt Joy, Sales & Marketing Director of tmgroup was joined by:

• Beth Rudolf, Home Buyers & Sellers Group

• David Opie, Today’s Conveyancer

• Emma Cooke, Trading Standards

• Marion Ellis, Love Surveying Ltd