What is your law firm’s website really saying?

A website is often the first place a potential client will visit when selecting a conveyancer, and is a great opportunity to convert new business – but only if it is done well. 

Ahead of our next series of Property Workshops “What Your Customers Really Want”, Rich Dibbins at Conscious Solutions looks at the key questions you need to ask to ensure your website is the best that it can be. 

When did you last update your website?

The old saying “you only have one chance to make a great first impression” is a key consideration when reviewing your law firm’s website. 

Customers shop around when looking to instruct professional services, and if they land on a generic, outdated website, they are likely to experience a drop in confidence and look elsewhere. 

Technology doesn’t stand still for long, and something that looks “top of the range” one month can quickly look outdated the next, so it is important to regularly review your website – especially if you notice a drop off in performance in your paid advertising campaigns. 

As a benchmark, Top 100 law firms tend to update their websites every 12-18 months, while most Top 200 law firms make improvements every couple of years.

Do you know what you are trying to achieve with your website?

If you do not have a clear strategy for what you are trying to achieve with your website, it can hinder your results. 

There are 2 types of websites law firms typically use:

• Lead generation – This type of website is a shop window that potential clients visit to find out more about your firm, as well how to get in touch. This supports a Business to Consumer (B2C) approach, and needs to sell the firm’s benefits and be easy to use.

• Brochure site – This type of website exists for verification purposes in order to reassure a referred client of the firm’s existence. It supports a Business to Business (B2B) approach, while also presenting an opportunity to build trust in the brand.

Thinking about which approach is best for your law firm and adapting your messages accordingly can help to support your wider business strategy. 

Is it easy for your prospects to find the information they need?

Moving house is well recognised to be one of life’s most stressful experiences, so don’t add to the stress by making it difficult for prospects to find the information they need on your website. 

They are coming to you with a problem, and they need to feel confident that you will handle it in the best and most cost-effective way. 

With this in mind, you should ensure your services and benefits, as well as your contact details are clearly summarised and easy to find on your home page. 

Register for our Property Workshops to find out more

If you would like to find out more from Rich Dibbins about getting the customer journey off to a great start, register for one of our upcoming Property Workshops; where he will be presenting alongside Clare Yates (tmgroup) and various speakers from Shopper Anonymous about “What Your Customers Really Want”. 

See dates and times below:

• Exeter @ Wednesday 7th June 2017 

Join us at 9:30am – 12 noon : Sandy Park Conference Centre, Exeter, EX2 7NN 

Click here to register for Exeter 

• Guildford @ Thursday 8th June 2017

Join us at 9:30am – 12 noon in Merrist Wood Golf Club, Guildford, GU3 3PB 

Click here to register for Guildford 

• Bournemouth @ Thursday 15th June 2017

Join us 9:30am – 12 noon : Vitality Stadium, Bournemouth, BH7 7AF 

Click here to register for Bournemouth

If you have any questions, please contact Clare Yates on 07977 256748 or email c.yates@tmgroup.co.uk

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